Support Policy

Last Updated: September 2024

How to Contact Hydden Support

The Hydden Support team provides knowledgeable and timely responses to your service requests.

Email-based support is available, with phone support provided if needed, to all customers as part of our commitment to ensure your success using Hydden solutions.

You may access Hydden Support directly from the Hydden platform, or email

For a Priority 1 issue or case escalation, please indicate in the support email subject that it is a priority 1.

Customers contacting Hydden Support must be listed on their organization’s account in addition to providing their account domain name (e.g., when emailing support. Please provide the following information when contacting support:

  1. Company Name
  2. Contact Name
  3. Contact phone number
  4. Detailed description of the problem

Hydden Support Languages

Support is provided remotely and does not include on-site assistance. Support is provided by email, phone, remote sessions, case comments and updates or email. Our primary support language is English.

Support Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

The Hydden Support Team understands that you require a timely response to your requests. Our Support hours are 9am to 5pm ET, Monday to Friday, not including US holidays. The following table defines the different priority levels, their descriptions, and the guaranteed response time for each level of support.

Priority Level Definitions

Priority LevelDefinitionExamples
P1Production server(s) or other mission-critical system(s) are down, with users being unable to log in, and no workaround is immediately available.Multiple users are unable to log into despite having tried resetting passwords and other troubleshooting steps.
Hydden is configured correctly to scan a security repository but is not able to scan that repository.
P2Functionality is severely impaired
While users can log in, functionality of Hydden is severely impaired. Operations can continue in a very restricted fashion, with productivity significantly adversely affected. An urgent workaround is required.
After logging in, the user interface is unresponsive, or data and/or charts that you’re expecting to see are not visible.
P3A problem that involves partial, non-critical loss of use of the software for production or development purposes.UI elements are not behaving as expected, or data is presented in a format that is not what is expected based on past product behavior, with that change not documented in release notes.
P4Feature request or Minor errors
There is no impact on the customer except that they would like a feature added to the system or have noticed a minor error.
Request for new general product functionality.
Documentation errors
Cosmetic errors

Response Times

Note: These are initial response times from support, not resolution times of the issue. These times are within US Business Hours 9am to 5pm EST.

Priority LevelFreePaidPremium
P1No SLA offered - responded to in order received.Within 2 hoursWithin 1 hour
P2No SLA offered - responded to in order received.Within 8 hoursWithin 4 hours
P3No SLA offered - responded to in order received.Within 48 hoursWithin 24 hours
P4No SLA offered - responded to in order received.Hydden Support will respond within 1 week about whether the feature is being considered, and then close the ticket if it is not being considered.
Hydden will consider feature requests by evaluating these against other priorities, reviewing how many other customers are asking for same features, positive revenue impact and level of effort and cost including opportunity cost of these features, and respond to customers within 4 weeks on the timeframe expected for these features to be added.
See information under Paid column.

Case Closure

Hydden Technical Support is committed to resolving all technical support inquiries in a timely and satisfactory manner. Due to the communicative nature of the troubleshooting process, the technical support engineer and the customer must participate in the process. When a support engineer or customer relations representative cannot successfully reach a customer via email or phone either when questions are asked, or when a solution is provided after three (3) attempts (both email and phone) over a minimum of three (3) business days, or the customer has not notified Hydden of an out of office situation, the case will be closed. Customers can contact Hydden support within ten (10) business days and have the case re-opened.

Re-Opening a Closed Case

If the same issue occurs within ten (10) business days, the case can be re-opened by calling Hydden support and referencing the original case number. In these instances, the case will be assigned to the same representative or escalated if required.

Normal case closure occurs when:

  • The customer reports the issue is resolved and the case can be closed.
  • The customer reports they no longer have the problem and agrees to close the case.
  • An acceptable workaround has been provided.

Escalation Procedures

Every issue is tracked from the time you contact us until we mutually agree that the issue has been resolved. Based on the priority of an issue, Hydden Support escalates customer cases through our organization to ensure your business-critical issues receive a quick resolution.

If you are not satisfied with the responsiveness of our Support staff, the issue can be escalated by reaching out to, which will get to our VP of Support, or by reaching out to your Hydden account executive.

Scope of Support

The Hydden support agreement is limited to investigating Hydden product behavior to determine any of the following:

  • Answer questions related to product features, options, and limitations.
  • Isolate, document, and find workarounds for reported software defects.
  • Work with the engineering team to provide product fixes.
  • Supply customers with general advice and best practices information regarding Hydden products.

While Hydden products work with third-party systems, we recommend customers have a support contract with such vendors. Hydden Technical Support will provide the best effort when working with third-party software.

Activities such as, but not limited to, assistance with setup and configuration or customization of third-party products integrated with Hydden are also not covered under this agreement.

Product & Support Lifecycle Policies

The Hydden Product and System Support Lifecycle Policies are designed to provide customers with a clear understanding of the type and duration of support they can expect for licensed Hydden solutions. We continually monitor customer needs and review industry advancements to focus our attention on providing quality service. Hydden is a SaaS offering that is updated uniformly for all customers, there is no need or possibility of supporting older versions of the platform. All Hydden customers are by default on the latest version of the platform.

Hydden Cloud Service Maintenance

Hydden performs occasional platform updates on weekends. In cases where this will impact customers adversely, we will notify customers in advance of this maintenance via email (and via notifications in the product in future iterations of the product).

It may be necessary for Hydden to perform Cloud Service Maintenance outside the specified timing for emergency fixes. In such cases, Hydden will make every effort to notify customers in advance (24 hours) of these emergency fixes.

Due to evolving technology, updates and changes are periodically necessary to improve our reliability and uptime. Hydden will take all necessary measures to avoid downtime.