Search Library

The Search Library dashboard provides quick access to all data points in Hydden. Click the listed system queries to open the respective data reports for detailed reviews.

Search Library landing page

Reports per Tile

NOTE: If you are using a macOS system to access the Hydden UI, the scroll bar on the tiles with more than 5 reports might only become visible when moving the mouse to the outer right site of the tile.

Identity & Account

  • General Account Query: Query to report on all account data.
  • Accounts Created by Date: Query to report account data based on account creation date.
  • Insights and Recommendations: Query to show Threat Score correlations to actions suggested by Cyber Security Framework matches.

NOTE: Depending on the amount of data collected for your organization, accessing a report via query might show a loading indicator.


  • General Group Query: Query to report on all groups.
  • Expanded Group Membership: Query to report on expanded group memberships. Expanded group memberships include direct members and groups. Those Groups in turn have direct members, but those members are considered expanded group members due to being added indirectly via group.
  • Direct Group Membership: Query to report on direct group members only. Direct group members are individual accounts that are not added indirectly via another group.


  • Account Z-Score: Query to report on Account Z-Scores.
  • Account Threat Scores: Query to report on account-specific threat scores.
  • Identity Threat Scores: Query to report the identity threat scores, with the higher scores listed first in the table.
  • Threat Scores: Query to report all threat scores for all accounts.
  • Compromised Accounts: Query to report all compromised accounts with details about Password Age and Change dates.

Ownership & Mapping

User Activity

  • Authentication by Date: Query to report on authentication events for accounts.
  • Stale Accounts: Query to report on stale accounts based on last known login event.
  • Login Audit: Query to report on all login events.


  • Privileged Group Query: Query to report on all groups with elevated permissions.
  • Privileged Role Query: Query to report on role permissions.
  • Permissions and Roles - WIP, not active


  • Password/Secret Age: Query to report on the password or secret age. Accounts with the oldest password age listed first.
  • Password/Secret Never Set: Query to report on accounts which never had a password or secret set after being created.

Vault Integration

  • Vaulted Account Management: Query to report on discovered and/or vaulted accounts if a vault integration is configured. Accounts can be added to the discovery workflow of an integration product. Accounts can also be vaulted. Use the _Discovered and Vaulted columns to enter the workflows. Once added the columns lists a checkmark. Refer to the CyberArk Integration - Onboarding Discovered Accounts to CyberArk for an example.

Resources & Entitlements

  • General Resource Query
  • Resource Entitlements - WIP, not active

Search Options

When you select a system query, the search library page opens with the data and options for further data trimming using the available drop-down menus and text fields for filtering.

The table shows query related columns which can be accessed via horizontal right-left scroll. In the following example, the system query was customized to look for Jane Doe in the Display Name field.

Search library based on Account Threat Scores

Table customization
Select which columns to show or hide using the Select Columns menu.
Select Column menu
Data Export
Use Export to download the data. The data visible in the table is saved in csv file format on your local system.
Download as CSV export option