Saved Searches

Hydden’s Saved Searches for the Identity Posture dashboard widgets click-thru, provide quick access to data sets for an organization’s threat scores.

Widgets Matching Saved Searches

The following widgets have click-thru functionality to the saved search results.

If during the initial access the numbers don’t seem to match up, reload the results page either through a browser reload, selecting the corresponding saved search from the saved searches list, or navigating back to the widget and using click-thru again. Larger data sets take longer to load and the active filter setting required for the saved search results my not be applied.

WidgetSaved SearchDescription
Total Discovered AccountsDashboard - AccountsThe saved search results show the details of the total number of Accounts discovered by Hydden collectors providing an account footprint within an organization.
Threat Score: Account Status - CriticalDashboard - Critical Threat AccountsThe saved search results show the details for all accounts in the critical threat range.
Discovered Groups: Total GroupsDashboard - GroupsThis saved search provides an overview of all groups discovered in an organization.
Total Discovered IdentitiesDashboard - IdentitiesThe saved search results show the details of the total number of Identities discovered by Hydden collectors providing an identity footprint within an organization.
Threat Score: Account Status - LowDashboard - Low Threat AccountsThe saved search results show the details for all accounts in the low threat range.
MFA Status: EnabledDashboard - MFA EnabledThe saved search results show all accounts that have MFA enabled in the organization.
MFA Status: PendingDashboard - MFA PendingThe saved search results show all accounts with pending MFA status in the organization.
MFA Status: Not EnabledDashboard - MFA Not EnabledThe saved search results show all accounts that do NOT have MFA enabled in the organization or for which the MFA information is not available.
Threat Score: Account Status - ModerateDashboard - Moderate Threat AccountsThe saved search results show the details for all accounts in the moderate threat range.
Discovered Groups: Privileged GroupsDashboard - Privileged GroupsThis saved search provides an overview of privileged groups discovered in an organization.
Shared AccountsDashboard - Shared AccountsThis saved search provides an overview of the number of accounts that are mapped to more than one identity.
Accounts Mapped To IdentitiesDashboard - Account Mapped to IdentitiesThe widget shows percentages of mapped and unmapped accounts. The click-thru to the saved search report provides the list of all accounts that have NOT been mapped to an identity. The saved search focuses on unmapped accounts only.

NOTE: Custom saved searches can be updated. Out-of-the-box saved searches used for the dashboard widget click-thru are write protected. They can be edited, but must be saved under a new name.