Insights and Recommendations Report
The Insights and Recommendations Report details an organization’s threat scores and their relation to Cybersecurity Frameworks. Recommendations are based on the suggested actions of these frameworks. The report is visualized via the Insights and Recommendations page as part of the main Threat Score widget click-thru.
The report can be trimmed or expanded through filters, column customization, and is available for export.
Sorting the impact data based on the highest impact on the overall threat score and identity posture, or using the min/max accounts filter, helps identify sizable tasks to strategically address discovered issues.
Accessing the Insights and Recommendations Report
Navigate to Search Library.
On the Identity and Account tile, select Insights and Recommendations.
The Insights and Recommendations overview table
Report controls to manipulate the data:
- Cyber Security Framework: such as NIST CSF v2.0, CRI, or CIS.
- Framework Control: filter option to only view data matches for a specific control.
- Min Impact: filter option to specify the minimum impact value to be included in the report. Works with maximum impact to create a range.
- Max Impact: filter option to specify the maximum impact value to be included in the report. Works with minimum impact to create a range.
- Min Accounts: filter option to specify the minimum number of matching accounts to be in the report, for example, not using the minimum accounts filter for breached accounts, but setting one for 5 or less failed logins. With newly discovered breached accounts needing immediate attention, whereas accounts with up to 5 failed logins might be due to not enough coffee for the account holder in the morning.
- Max Accounts: filter option to specify the maximum number of matching accounts to be in the report. The ‘maximum accounts’ filter is a great way to identify and start with the smallest task sizes during a remediation campaign.
Default Table columns:
- Threat Rule: Threat rule and score matched to a framework control
- Recommendation: The action given by the framework for that specific control
- Impact: Assumed impact on an organization’s overall identity posture
- Accounts: Number of accounts that match this threat rule and control
- Framework: The framework used for the recommendation match
- Framework Control: The control specification to reference in maturity or compliance reports