Deploy as a Container
This topic covers how to deploy the Hydden Client as a container.
Either install or verify that you have access to a container-based system that can host container images such as Docker.
If you need to set up Docker, refer to Overview of Docker. Hydden recommends using the Docker Toolbox when running Docker.
Deploying the Container
Run the Hydden client container image interactively:
docker run -p33101:22101 --name hydn-client --hostname Hydn-Container --rm -ti
You can also run the Hydden client container image detached using the -d switch
docker run -d -p33101:22101 --name hydn-client --hostname Hydn-Container --rm -ti
- p33101:22101, is the port designation parameter. 33101 is the container’s external port that maps to the container’s internal port, the default internal Hydden client port (22101).
- hostname is set to Hydn-Container, which is the hostname of the container running the client software. Hydden recommends using a unique name reflecting the installation environments to differentiate between the containers.
-, is the image reference for the installation.
You will see the following output:
2024-04-09T23:22:04.317Z INFO Starting Hydden Client {"pid": 1, "version": "0.5.525"} 2024-04-09T23:22:04.323Z INFO Hostname {"pid": 1, "hostname": "Hydn-Container", "ncpu": 1, "maxprocs": 1} 2024-04-09T23:22:04.326Z INFO Working Directory {"pid": 1, "path": "/var/opt/Hydden/hydn"} 2024-04-09T23:22:04.329Z INFO Data path {"pid": 1, "path": "/var/opt/Hydden/hydn", "size": "97.4GB", "free": "73.8GB"} 2024-04-09T23:22:04.332Z INFO Config path {"pid": 1, "path": "/etc/opt/Hydden/hydn", "size": "97.4GB", "free": "73.8GB"} 2024-04-09T23:22:04.334Z INFO Binary path {"pid": 1, "path": "/opt/hydden/bin", "size": "97.4GB", "free": "73.8GB"} 2024-04-09T23:22:04.337Z INFO User path {"pid": 1, "path": "/root/.hydn", "size": "97.4GB", "free": "73.8GB"} 2024-04-09T23:22:04.340Z INFO Identity {"pid": 1, "grid": "000000000000000000000000000", "operator": "000000000000000000000000000", "tenant": "000000000000000000000000000", "node": "N4c1tp7Q5O5e5cNTutcjmGnrzbW"} 2024-04-09T23:22:04.342Z INFO Advertising external addresses {"pid": 1, "address": ["Hydn-Container"]} 2024-04-09T23:22:04.344Z INFO Advertising internal addresses {"pid": 1, "address": ["Hydn-Container", "", ""]} 2024-04-09T23:22:04.345Z INFO Enabled modules {"pid": 1, "modules": ["bootstrap"]} 2024-04-09T23:22:04.347Z INFO Starting module {"pid": 1, "tid": "000000000000000000000000000", "module": "bootstrap"}
You can validate the service is running using the following command:
docker container ls -a |grep hydn
You will see output like this:
e42e4369ddfc "/opt/hydden/bin/hydn" 5 days ago Up 5 days 22100/tcp, 22102-22104/tcp,>22101/tcp, :::22111->22101/tcp hydn-client1 8e479439b7eb "/opt/hydden/bin/hydn" 5 days ago Up 5 days 22100/tcp, 22102-22104/tcp,>22101/tcp, :::33101->22101/tcp hydn-client2
To register the client, refer to the Register a Client topic.