Deploy a Client

This topic contains instructions for OS-based client deployments. Hydden recommends installing the client services locally vs. just running the service, although that is an option, just not recommended for continuous monitoring and performance.

Once a client is installed based on the deployment information below, it will automatically be updated when new client packages are released.

Package names:

  • hydn-[version]-[OS(-flavor)]-[architecture]


  • [version], is a number string, for example, 0.5.639 based on a recent build.
  • [OS(-flavor)], can be Linux, Windows, OSx (coming soon) with flavor and version information, like ubuntu22.04 or rhel8, for example.
  • [architecture], references the system chip information, for example, amd64.

Hydden uses port 22101 as the default Bootstrap port.

Windows Client Deployment

  1. As an administrator, open a cmd prompt window on a networked system.

  2. Run the package installation:

       2024-05-06T20:21:46.629-0400    INFO    Installing Hydden Service       {"pid": 8104, "tid": "123YourTenant456YourTenant7", "name": "hydn-1.0.114-windows-amd64"}
       2024-05-06T20:21:46.629-0400    INFO    Installing service      {"pid": 8104, "path": "C:\\Program Files\\Hydden\\hydns\\bin\\hydn.exe"}
       2024-05-06T20:21:50.017-0400    INFO    Service installed successfully  {"pid": 4952, "name": "hydn-client"}
       2024-05-06T20:21:52.679-0400    INFO    Service started successfully    {"pid": 4952, "name": "hydn-client"}
       2024-05-06T20:21:54.347-0400    INFO    Executing module    {module: "controller", name: "Hydden Client", pid: 5708, tenant: "123YourTenant456YourTenant7"}
       2024-05-06T20:21:54.347-0400    INFO    Starting Hydden Client    {pid: 5708, version: "0.5.735"}
       2024-05-06T20:21:55.343-0400    INFO      Hostname    {hostname: "TWin10.demo.corp", maxprocs: 1, ncpu: 1, pid: 5708}
       2024-05-06T20:22:01.312-0400    INFO    Communications connected    {client: "Hydden Client", mod: "controller", pid: 5708, server: "tls://", tid: "123YourTenant456YourTenant7"}
       2024-05-06T20:22:07.827-0400    INFO    Client installed successfully   {"pid": 4952, "name": "hydn-client"}

    The client service is installed and started.

  3. Verify that the service is running on your system by navigating to your Services manager:

    The service is running

Manage the Service Post-installation

hydn-1.0.114-windows-amd64.exe service -?
flag provided but not defined: -?
Usage of service:
  -E value
        environment variable
        install the hydn Client service
  -name string
        specify the service name for the hydn Client service (default "hydn-client")
        restart the hydn Client service
        start the hydn Client service
        hydn Client status
        stop the hydn Client service
        uninstall the hydn Client service
        unregister hydn grid
  -user string
        specify the service user for the hydn Client service (default "NT Service\\hydn-client")

Linux Client Deployment

  1. As the root user or elevated root shell or using the sudo command with an appropriate policy, you can install the service using:

       root@US-Bunty1:/mnt/dc01# chmod +x hydn-0.5.639-linux-ubuntu22.04-amd64
       root@US-Bunty1:/mnt/dc01# hydn-0.5.639-linux-ubuntu22.04-amd64

    A successful installation and registration is confirmed with the following messages:

       2024-04-22T21:07:45.412-0400    INFO    Installing Hydden Service       {"pid": 217532, "tid": "123YourTenant456YourTenant7", "name": "hydn-0.5.639-linux-ubuntu22.04-amd64"}
       2024-04-22T21:07:45.412-0400    INFO    Installing service      {"pid": 217532, "path": "/opt/Hydden/hydn/bin/hydn"}
       2024-04-22T21:07:47.896-0400    INFO    Service installed successfully  {"pid": 217541, "name": "hydn-client"}
       2024-04-22T21:07:47.927-0400    INFO    Service started successfully    {"pid": 217541, "name": "hydn-client"}
       2024-04-22T21:07:47.955-0400    INFO    Executing module    {module: "controller", name: "hydn Client", pid: 217626, tenant: "123YourTenant456YourTenant7"}
       2024-04-22T21:07:47.955-0400    INFO    Starting Hydden Client    {pid: 217626, version: "0.5.639"}
       2024-04-22T21:07:55.038-0400    INFO    Storing tenant token    {pid: 217626, tid: "123YourTenant456YourTenant7"}
       2024-04-22T21:07:55.239-0400    INFO    Reload requested    {name: ".reload", pid: 217626}
       2024-04-22T21:07:55.239-0400    INFO    Reloading enabled modules    {modules: [collector.linux grid.client node.client], pid: 217626}
       2024-04-22T21:08:02.929-0400    INFO    Client installed successfully   {"pid": 217541, "name": "hydn-client"}

    The client service is installed and started.

  2. To verify that the service is running on your system, use the following command:

       systemctl status hydn-client

    You will see the following output:

       root@US-Bunty1:~# systemctl status hydn-client
       hydn-client.service - Hydden Client
       Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/hydn-client.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
       Active: active (running) since Fri 2024-04-05 12:14:54 EDT; 5 days ago
       Main PID: 416464 (hydn-0.5.527-ub)
       Tasks: 28 (limit: 2261)
       Memory: 34.8M
         CPU: 3min 30.685s
         CGroup: /system.slice/hydn-client.service
              ├─416464 /mnt/dc01/hydn-0.5.527-ubuntu2204-amd64
              └─416473 /mnt/dc01/hydn-0.5.527-ubuntu2204-amd64 collector linux
       Apr 05 12:14:54 US-Bunty1.demo.corp systemd[1]: Started Hydden Client.

Manage the Service Post-installation

hydn-0.5.610-linux-rhel9-amd64 service -?
flag provided but not defined: -?
Usage of service:
  -E value
        environment variable
        install the hydn Client service
  -name string
        specify the service name for the hydn Client service (default "hydn-client")
        restart the hydn Client service
        start the hydn Client service
        hydn Client status
        stop the hydn Client service
        uninstall the hydn Client service
        unregister hydn grid
  -user string
        specify the service user for the hydn Client service (default "hydn")