Client Deployment

Client Deployment

Hydden provides the option to deploy local client services to your network that allow for Hydden operations such as data collection and framework-type services to run on-premises. Those services need to be installed and running on a networked system and registered with your Hydden tenant before the first data collection.

Clients are available for Windows, Linux, and macOS systems.

The general sequence of steps is as follows.

  1. Download the client install package from your Hydden tenant to your local system. You find the packages at this location:
  2. Install the Client and verify it is running.
  3. Register the Client with your Hydden tenant. Hydden supports the use of client templates to help speed up and/or automate client deployments if desired.

Use the listed topics for detailed instructions on the deployment and registration process.

For an overview of Modules, refer to the configuration reference, specifically the Modules topic.