How to Configure a CyberArk OpenID Provider

How to Configure a CyberArk OpenID Provider


A Web App of OpenID Connect + Provisioning Trust type must be created in CyberArk in order to supply the Client ID, Secret, and Issuer URL that is required for the configuration as on OIDC Provider in Hydden.

CyberArk Web - OpenID Connect + Provisioning trust example

Configuring the CyberArk Open ID Provider

  1. Navigate to Configuration | Tenant, select the OpenID Providers tab.

  2. On the OpenID Provider page, click + Add Provider.

  3. From the Provider drop-down, select Custom.

  4. Enter a Name. This is a required field and it can be set to the sign-in URL for your tenant.

  5. To set the name of the configured authentication provider to the sign-in URL of your tenant configuration page, set the Sign-in Page URL switch.

  6. In the Client ID field, paste the ID to use from your CyberArk platform safe.

  7. In the Client Secret field, paste the matching password from your CyberArk platform safe.

  8. In the Issuer field, enter the URL from your CyberArk platform. This field can take the URL of the authentication provider, in which case the Issuer URL can be left blank.

  9. In the Issuer URL field, enter the URL of the authentication provider. this field is optional if the URL has been provided in the required Issuer field.

  10. In the Redirect URL field, provide a redirect URL for the user navigation following the authentication process. This is an optional field. By default, the user is placed into your default tenant address which can be a different destination in multi-tenant setups.

    CyberArk OpenID Provider example

  11. Click Add.

Adding OIDC to a User

Following the provider configuration, the OpenID Provider can be assigned to users.

Refer to Add Users.

The Hydden Platform access can also be added as an app to the CyberArk Platform for users to click, sign in, and open.

Hydden app tile in CyberArk portal