Hydden installation packages are available under Configuration | Settings | Packages. The table contains released packages for all supported operating systems, with the most recent release on top of the table. Use the up or down chevron next to Packages to expand and collapse the filter option for specific versions.
- Client packages: hydn-[version]-[OS(-flavor)]-[architecture]
- Server packages for on-prem deployments only - special access required: hydns-[version]-[OS(-flavor)]-[architecture]
- [version], is a number string, for example, 1.0.114 based on a recent build.
- [OS(-flavor)], can be Linux, Windows, OSx (coming soon) with flavor and version information, like ubuntu22.04 or rhel8, for example.
- [architecture], references the system chip information, for example, amd64.
Supported Operating Systems
- Windows
- MacOS
- Red Hat 8
- Red Hat 9
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Ubuntu 21.04
- Ubuntu 22.04
Update Packages On-prem
For on-prem deployments new release packages need to be refreshed on the packages page.
Navigate to Settings | Packages.
Under Actions, click Download.
On the package refresh modal, use PULL ALL. Once the new packages are pulled, the server and client will automatically kick-off the update process.
Packages download modal, with Pull All option selected.
NOTE: Credentials are needed to access and pull packages, assign the Package Reader role to the account.