
The table below provides an overview of all modules in Hydden.

AD Computer CollectorA data center collector to discover Users, Service Accounts, Computer Accounts, Groups, Group Memberships, and Status (enabled/disabled). Has visibility into all computer, user, and service accounts (both human and non-human) with access to the directory.Collector, which leverages a local client collector (service) on an organization’s network. No agent is installed on the server/application.
AWS CollectorA cloud collector to discover Users, Service Accounts, Computer Accounts, Groups, Group Membership, MFA Configuration, and Status (enabled/disabled). Has visibility into users and service accounts that have access to the SaaS platforms.Collector, which leverages cloud or local client collector and published API endpoints for data collection.
Active Directory CollectorA data center collector to discover Users, Service Accounts, Computer Accounts, Groups, Group Memberships, and Status (enabled/disabled). Has visibility into all computer, user, and service accounts (both human and non-human) with access to the directory.Collector, which leverages a local client collector (service) on an organization’s network. No agent is installed on the server/application.
Apache(Linux) CollectorA data center collector to discover Users, Groups, and Status (enabled/disabled). Has visibility into all users and groups that have access to the application.Collector, which leverages a local client collector (service) on an organization’s network. No agent is installed on the server/application.
Azure CollectorA cloud collector to discover Users, Service Accounts, Computer Accounts, Groups, Group Membership, MFA Configuration, and Status (enabled/disabled). Has visibility into users and service accounts that have access to the SaaS platforms.Collector, which leverages cloud or local client collector and published API endpoints for data collection.
ClassificationsBased on configurable rules assign a classification to a user account, like nationality or object location in an OU in AD.Platform
CommunicationsThe communication module manages interactions and data exchanges between the platform and external systems or users.Platform
ConfigurationThe Configuration modules manages all configuration settings in Hydden.Platform
CyberArk CollectorA collector to discover internal and external CyberArk User Accounts, Service Accounts, and Vaulted Accounts (CyberArk Privileged Accounts). It also discovers Groups, Group Membership, MFA Configuration, and Status (enabled/disabled). Has visibility into users and service accounts that have access to the platform.Collector, which leverages cloud or local client collector and published API endpoints for data collection.
DashboardThe Dashboard module offers a visual representation of key performance indicators (KPIs), trends, and anomalies related to user accounts, authentication, authorization, and overall identity posture.Platform
Data StoreThe Data Store is Hydden’s distributed identity graph store. It maintains a historical view of identity attributes and relationships for the customer’s enterprise.Platform
Entity MapperProvides the backend functionality for the Identity, Threat Rules, and Classification rule matches.Platform
GatewayThe gateway module acts as a central control point for managing and securing access to applications, services, and data.Platform
GitHub CollectorA cloud collector to discover members of and organization and their associated team/groups.Collector, which leverages cloud and published API endpoints for data collection.
Google Cloud Platform collectorA cloud collector to discover Users, Service Accounts, and Groups. Has visibility into users and service accounts that have access to the SaaS platforms.Collector, which leverages cloud and published API endpoints for data collection.
Google Workspace collectorA cloud collector to discover Users, Roles, and Groups. Has visibility into users, groups, and roles that have access to the SaaS platforms.Collector, which leverages cloud and published API endpoints for data collection.
HIBP CollectorHave I Been Pwned is a cloud collector to discover breach data. Has visibility into which accounts and identities have been victim of publicly disclosed breaches.Collector, which leverages cloud or local client collector and published API endpoints for data collection.
Identity MapperThe Identity Mapper module analyses accounts and assigns them to identities.Platform
Keeper CollectorCollects all users of the Keeper vault for your organization.Collector, that collects the user of Keeper, but not the data stored by the users.
Kubernetes CollectorAn orchestration engine to discover Users, Groups, Group Membership, and Status (enabled/disabled). Has visibility into all users and groups that have access to the containers within a cluster.Collector, which leverages cloud or local client collector and published API endpoints for data collection.
Kubernetes Pod CollectorHas visibility into all users and groups that have access to accounts within the pod.Collector, which leverages cloud or local client collector and published API endpoints for data collection.
LDAP CollectorA data center collector to discover Users, Groups, and Status (enabled/disabled). Has visibility into all users and groups that have access to the application.Collector, which leverages a local client collector (service) on an organization’s network. No agent is installed on the server/application.
Linux CollectorA data center collector to discover Users, Groups, and Status (enabled/disabled). Has visibility into users and service accounts that have access to workstations and/or servers.Collector, which leverages a local client collector (service) on an organization’s network. No agent is installed on the server/application.
NotificationThe notification module generates, delivers, and manages alerts or messages related to identity and access management (IAM) events.Platform
Okta CollectorA cloud collector to discover Users, Service Accounts, Computer Accounts, Groups, Group Membership, MFA Configuration, and Status (enabled/disabled). Has visibility into users and service accounts that have access to the SaaS platforms.Collector, which leverages cloud or local client collector and published API endpoints for data collection.
OpenAI ModuleThe OpenAI Module provides Slack bot integration query capabilities as well as general chat bot functionality to further analyze all collected data.Platform
Package RepositoryThe package repository modules manages the client and server client install packages.Platform
PAN-OSA data center collector to discover accounts (Users, Groups, and Status (enabled/disabled)). Has visibility into users and service accounts that have access to PAN-OS endpoints.Collector, which leverages a local client collector (service) on an organization’s network. No agent is installed on the server/application.
PostgreSQL CollectorA database collector to discover Users, Service Accounts, Computer Accounts, Groups, Group Memberships, and Status (enabled/disabled). Has visibility into all users and groups that have access to the database.Collector, which leverages a local client collector (service) on an organization’s network. No agent is installed on the server/application.
ReportingHydden reporting engine.Platform
Salesforce CollectorA cloud collector to discover Users, Service Accounts, Computer Accounts, Groups, Group Membership, MFA Configuration, and Status (enabled/disabled). Has visibility into users and service accounts that have access to the SaaS platforms.Collector, which leverages cloud or local client collector and published API endpoints for data collection.
SQLServer CollectorA database collector to discover Users, Service Accounts, Computer Accounts, Groups, Group Memberships, Status (enabled/disabled), and Federated Accounts (MSFT SQL only). Has visibility into all users and groups that have access to the database.Collector, which leverages a local client collector (service) on an organization’s network. No agent is installed on the server/application.
SchedulerThe scheduler module automats tasks and processes related to data collection and other jobs. It enables administrators to schedule recurring or one-time jobs to be executed at specific intervals or based on certain conditions.Platform
Slack CollectorA cloud collector to discover Users and MFA Configuration. Has visibility into all users that have access to the application.Collector, which leverages cloud or local client collector and published API endpoints for data collection.
Slack IntegrationThe Slack Integration Module provides the bot functionality used within the OpenAI Module.Platform
Time ServerThe time server is used to provide a coordinated time for collections. This ensures all platform collections are stored with consistent times across all clients and stores.Platform
UpgradeThe upgrade module manages the process of improving or enhancing the existing system.Platform
VaultThe Vault module provides Hydden’s abstraction for encryption as a service. Currently it uses platform specific key vault storage for customer keys. In the future Hydden will offer standard external key vault integrations.Platform
vSphereA data center collector to discover accounts (Users, Groups, and Status (enabled/disabled)). Has visibility into users and service accounts that have access to vSphere endpoints.Collector, which leverages a local client collector (service) on an organization’s network. No agent is installed on the server/application.
Web ServicesThe Web Services Modules manages all internet/cloud connected sources and resources.Platform
Windows CollectorA data center collector to discover Users, Groups, and Status (enabled/disabled). Has visibility into users and service accounts that have access to workstations and/or servers.Collector, which leverages a local client collector (service) on an organization’s network. No agent is installed on the server/application.
WindowsRm CollectorA data center collector to discover Users, Groups, and Status (enabled/disabled). Has visibility into users and service accounts that have access to workstations and/or servers.Collector, which leverages a local client collector (service) on an organization’s network. No agent is installed on the server/application.